Director Roopa Rao, known for her acclaimed film Gantumoote, always intended to showcase the life journeys of her characters. While fans still celebrate the impact of Gantumoote, Roopa has announced her next project, Gochara, clarifying that it is not a sequel to Gantumoote but shares a connection with it. Roopa reveals that Gochara explores the story of a woman who embarks on a solo journey, inspired by her own existential questions and experiences. The film delves into the internal and external transformations that unfold during the protagonist's travels across India. Roopa emphasizes that the challenges faced by women traveling alone are often a result of societal perceptions, rather than inherent problems with the women themselves. She hopes Gochara will empower women viewers and challenge stereotypes about female solo travelers, encouraging both women and men to embrace liberation in their own ways.
When she made the much-acclaimedGantumoote, director Roopa Rao was clear that the story had to encapsulate the life’s journey of her protagonists. While fans of the film are still hung over its afte...